There are a lot of articles on this site geared to help newbies on a budget get into gas boating. Just browse through the HOW-TO section and there are several...also some in the Scratch Build to build a crackerbox for example. There are litterally hundreds of articles on the website and many are examples of scratch building stuff. We also have several on how to make your own hardware parts. There is a boat plan in the Ressources section for making your own mono... tons of stuff guys! Just look around.
Plus this forum is here for questions you might have.
I very well remember how it was when I started out. Rebuilt 2 old boats that cost me more than they should have, and was swapping motor/pipe from one to the other. Didn't even have a programmable radio so had to adjust settings from one boat to the other...despite all that, it was some of the greatest fun I had in this hobby...actually felt like a little kid when I would run a boat! I started this at the age of 15, that was 22 years ago, and quite honestly, before the year 2001 or so, I had always learned on my own, living so far away from any clubs or any other boaters for that matter. I know the feeling believe me. That's one of the reasons I've always worked extremely hard to keep this site help other people's entry into the hobby be easier and to try and get more people involve.
I agree, there is way too much emphasis on the "hot" stuff out there many times and we need to not forget about the new guys starting out, and on tight budgets.
Please feel free to ask questions and start threads, we'll do our best to help you out. If you guys think there should be a dedicated section to the sport boaters, or beginers, whatever, let's decide what it should be named and what it should be about and I'll get it setup.