30cc Homelite Reed engine!

Ozpulse created the topic: 30cc Homelite Reed engine!

Im converting a 30cc Homelite engine to a case fed reed setup and thought I would put up a pic of the modified rear plate for you guys to see what I am doing. :blink:
I threw the original carby isolator block in there for comparison.
Not a good pic. but the intake is much bigger to suit the large bore carbies! B)
Will also be doing port work and water cooling shortly!

Awwwww! Your little engine is sooooo cute!

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isuzudude replied the topic: Re: 30cc Homelite Reed engine!

I was beginning to think ya fell off the other side of the world over there :laugh: Lookin' good Oz, keep us posted!!!

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Ozpulse replied the topic: Re: 30cc Homelite Reed engine!

Im still hanging onto it by the short and curlies! :laugh:

Awwwww! Your little engine is sooooo cute!

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Ozpulse replied the topic: Re: 30cc Homelite Reed engine!

Your opinion is always welcome! ;)
Just playing with bits I have laying around.
The reed block is from a 31cc RYOBI, fits straight in with only the holes needing elongating slightly! :laugh:
I Simply cant afford a RC engine being on disability, my fortnightly pay doesnt even cover the rent. :blush:
Plenty of people starting out in our hobby still use the Homelites as a budget engine.
Maybe this is a simple mod that may have its benefits? :huh:

Awwwww! Your little engine is sooooo cute!

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41willys replied the topic: Re: 30cc Homelite Reed engine!

Hey oz sorry I've been outta action for a while. I can help you with a few ideas on the reed deal. & hey doug I will give you a call shortly mate as work is killin me. But 2k a week is worth it

"CONFIDENCE" the feeling you have just before you say

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Ozpulse replied the topic: Re: 30cc Homelite Reed engine!

Hey mate, any of your ideas are always welcomed!
Im just a tinkerer! :laugh:

How can I make 2grand a week? :huh:

Awwwww! Your little engine is sooooo cute!

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Ozpulse replied the topic: Re: 30cc Homelite Reed engine!

Will take a pic of the reed setup for you!
Any info you can give me about this DDM etc. would be greatly apreciated! ;)
If I can make some extra money somehow Im there!

Awwwww! Your little engine is sooooo cute!

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ian69 replied the topic: Re: 30cc Homelite Reed engine!

ozpulse i got a weedy engine been sitting around 4 years maybe you can you's it 4 one off your kids boats ithink it only 18 cc but it yours if you want it .pm me your addy and i will post it on friday thanks ian

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Ozpulse replied the topic: Re: 30cc Homelite Reed engine!

Thanks for the offer Ian! ;)
I actually have heaps of weedy motors in the shed!
Lets just say, too many! :laugh:

Awwwww! Your little engine is sooooo cute!

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ian69 replied the topic: Re: 30cc Homelite Reed engine!

hay no worries mate .

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