Strut bushing longivity??

Rcer created the topic: Strut bushing longivity??

Is thier any particualr brand of strut bushing that seems to last longer?

I have been model boating for many years, Nitro and Gas and it seems these strut bushing just do not last long.

Yes my props are balanced and yes I greese my flexcable and prop shaft every outting. I even drilled a small hole in some of my struts for oiling with a small oiler between runs.

My nitro boats bushings seem to last longer, I think its due to the smaller and lighter props less havoc on the bushings as opposed to the Gassers with the larger heavier props.



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ken0276 replied the topic: Re:Strut bushing longivity??

I've been using Aeromarine led teflon bearings with Synthetic grease for many years, they seem to work well for the strut, I would change the bushing for about every 3-4 months.

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marc replied the topic: Re:Strut bushing longivity??

Are you talking about the push-in lead teflons as pictured or the brass sleeve type? I use the brass sleeves and seem to get good longetivity, but then again I don't get in as much run time as a lot of you guys. Only used the lead teflons in a couple boats in the past and they didn't last nearly as long as the brass bushing setups. - Home of the WARPATH Riggers!


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Rcer replied the topic: Re:Strut bushing longivity??

Yeah, I have been running the lead teflons, Octura's, Aeromarine's, and Warehouse Hobbies brand the just dont seem to last.

I do run my boats alot..... usually every weekend and a day or two during the week, so maybe thats all the life I can get out of them!

Maybe I will give the brass sleeves a shot.

I know a few guy's that run needle bearings but those are a PITA too!


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marc replied the topic: Re:Strut bushing longivity??

If you are running Aeromarine or Octura struts...try this on one. Punch out the bushings, drill the strut 5/16. Run your stuffing tube through the strut...assuming you use welded cables with collet...(you can splice the stuffing tube with a piece of 11/32 over it if you don't want to replace it completely). Use a 9/32 brass sleeve inside the stuffing tube from the prop end. Easy to modify these struts for brass sleeve setup.

Sleeves are easy to make too:

I think I show the strut mods in one of my Aeromarine hull reviews...not sure anymore! :) - Home of the WARPATH Riggers!


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ken0276 replied the topic: Re:Strut bushing longivity??

marc wrote:Yes, I'm talking about the push in lead teflon one, me too, not much running time, just one or two times a week.

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INEEDSPOTS replied the topic: Re:Strut bushing longivity??

I use the brass sleeve bushings. Have MULTIPLE seasons on the same bushings.

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ken0276 replied the topic: Re:Strut bushing longivity??

I just found a used 3/4" length brass sleeve from my tool box, it's for the 1/4" flex cable, does anyone know where to buy it? it looks heavy duty than the led teflon bushing.

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planebasher replied the topic: Re:Strut bushing longivity??

Go to McMaster-Carr's website.

Look under sleeve bearings.

I purchsed the oilite Bronze Bushings: 5/16 O.D. 1/4 I.D. in two different lengths. 1/4" and 1/2". I soaked them in a real viscous oil overnite and installed the longer version in struts.

The dimensions are very tight, right on the money; the Lead Teflon that I removed had a lot of slop in them and I had not run them that much. I have run the heck out of these and there is no slop.

They also carry a steel / teflon version which is similar to the lead teflon; I got a couple of those also but have not tried them.

I also purchased the Teflon tubing for the stuffing tube in 5/16 od and 1/4 id.

Prices are about half of what you would normally pay.

I ordered them before 9:00 am and my doorbell was ringing at 3:00 p.m delivered to my door. Of course that depends on how close you are to one of their warehouses.

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ken0276 replied the topic: Re:Strut bushing longivity??

planebasher wrote:Thanks for the website, I found that brass sleeve, 1/4" of ID, 5/16" of OD, 3/4" length and material is bronze.

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