It is our pleasure to announce that the VooDoo Model Boaters will be hosting the 2014 IMPBA Gas Nationals October 10-12 at the VooDoo Racing facility in Louisiana. This is the biggest baddest race for gas only boat racers in the country and we are looking to have a huge turnout. The prestige of the IMPBA Gas Nationals mixed with the nicest RC Boating facility in the country will make this the 2014 race to attend for gas powered boat racers. If you are considering making a big race this year to meet all of the big names and manufacturers then this will be the one you will want to attend. We will have food cooked on site each day along with a racers party Saturday night with music and Louisiana style Jambalaya and fried fish for everyone in attendance. We will also have Chris "Juice" Rupley the president of the IMPBA as our celebrity Contest Director. The weather In October in Louisiana is usually beautiful and the racing will be fierce. Get your entries in and you vacation time booked as this one will fill up fast so get it done early.
You can enter the race on
Map to our Facility:
355 Airport Road, Reserve, Louisiana 70084, United States
Some pictures from last years November race at VooDoo:
See you guys in October
VooDoo Gang