Weedeater engine help

bshey created the topic: Weedeater engine help

I am building an rc boat from scratch (48 inch) V hull.
I think that it is time to start thinking about the engine. I definitely going for a gas engine but have a VERY tight budget. ($30-$40 for the engine or even less. I am thinking about converting a weed eater engine to fit on the boat. I do not however have very much experience in converting engines as i have never done it before. So before I get my hands on an engine, I want to find out how easy it is? How do you mount it on the boat? What type of clutch will fit to it? What do I have to buy to convert it? How much will this cost? And finally, where is the cheapest place to get it from? Thanks guys! I appreciate the help.

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jhzman replied the topic: Re: Weedeater engine help

wackerengines.com www.majorsmackdown.com/ These two sites sell stuff for Homelite conversions. I built my own motormounts out of aluminum l channel

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kartrobison replied the topic: Re: Weedeater engine help

the connection depends on if you have a clutch or not but usually you can find a way to connect it to the 1/4 cable if you go to www.zippkits.com they have a brass connector or ferrule that you can use sometimes to connect the cable to the motor

if you email me some pics of the motor I can look at the connection point and help
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zippkits also has other good stuff that is way affordable to help you get started

here is a pic of my weedy motor I used some 1/16 thick aluminum strap from home depot or lowes to connect to any point on the motor then attach that to the hull


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baskarz replied the topic: Re: Weedeater engine help

On the topic of engine mounting, are the rubber isolation bushes a necessity? I'm in the process of fabricating brackets for my weedy motor to mount inthe 5" rails of the 48"deep vee, I can source them if I HAVE to but would be easier not having to worry about them.

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jhzman replied the topic: Re: Weedeater engine help

In a word the vibrations will slowly open up the holes drilled to mount the engine. It may also cause structural damage. Put in the rubber mounts, it is worth the money and not having the headache after finishing your boat.

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Ozpulse replied the topic: Re: Weedeater engine help

Not to mention the havoc that the vibrations can cause to your radio gear! :blink:
Most bearing shops should stock a range of isolation mounts, if all else fails you can source them from wrecked cars. Plenty of rubber mounts in the engine bays holding stuff in

Awwwww! Your little engine is sooooo cute!

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baskarz replied the topic: Re: Weedeater engine help

Heh yeah thought about that, so I went off to me local auto wreckers and grabbed 4 Holden commodore airbox mounts. They worked out perfect for me as they are only 10mm thick and I finished off the engine brackets to fit the Mac between the 5" rails :-)

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Ozpulse replied the topic: Re: Weedeater engine help

They work great! I remember posting somewhere about them when I first started using them.
Just dont try to buy them new, I was quoted $26 each :blink:
At the local auto stores. The wreckers let me grab them free off the cars they are going to crush. ;)

Awwwww! Your little engine is sooooo cute!

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