My boatshop recommended me to use the West System Epoxy Resin.
- First rinse off with something de-greasing like acetone. Be very careful: Don't use too much and take special care not to dissolve the glued parts.
- Then mix West System 105 Epoxy Resin with West System 205 Hardener.
- The right mixture can be obtained by using West System 407-2 Syringe Pack.
- Apply with brush or a fine woolen roller.
- If you need a good non-sinking filler to shape up the boat before the above, you can mix West System 410 Microlight with Resin and Hardener. (Follow instructions). It weighs close to nothing. Is incredible strong and can still be sanded into shape.
(Use a mask and rubber gloves - the 410 contains microscopic bubbles - the finest dust I have ever seen).
I have bought this stuff myself. This is NOT my own recommendation - so far, but it should give a "glassy" surface, perfect as a base for further painting of any sort. I hope to get some esperienced MC-painter to do the paintjob.