My Dragcat and new test pond

BIGJACK9170 created the topic: My Dragcat and new test pond

Dragcat and new spot to test

I've got another Classone/Rico Dragcat and a new place to test 1/4 mile from home so I will be doing a lot of testing .
The Dragcat is my 2nd and feels a little lighter than the last IMHO . It's got a 29.5 Suicidal Mike Ross motor and QD Hot Pipe . Here's a quote from Mike about the motor

"That motor makes 8.6 hp and has a usable power band from 12000 to 19800 with A quickdraw pipe and a 3" ext."

I'm spinning some new wheels done by Wally Durante aka Tahoe1970 and if anyone keeps up with fast cats then you know the guy knows what it takes to make a cat GO!!
I will hopefully have Wally's expert advise on this DC also . So far he's been instrumental in getting any cat I've had or have hauling ass . Wally and I ran a lot a while back and under his tutelage I gained Tons of knowledge about SAW and cat set up . But make no mistake I'd be lost without his advise . What's new and exciting about this new cat is as I've mentioned I'll be spinning wheels done by Wally and I'm looking to go beyond 83mph . Dragcats are a bitch to set up but I do like them and a Sprintcat is easier to set up and goes a little faster but I'm hoping I'll get it figured out .
So big thanks to Suicidal for the 29.5 and BIG THANKS to Wally for the new Wheels / Props and the advise I'll be needing often lol.

Here are a few pic to drool over


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BIGJACK9170 replied the topic: My Dragcat and new test pond

Reserved for updates

BINGO !!! 81.4 mph !!!!!
After almost all day and a few text to Wally lol , I hit a number I'm proud of !!
It took me a while to get the strut where it likes to ride and still pull the #29 prop Wally sent me , but I found the magic spot .
The boat likes a 1/2 bag of fuel with the current set up . I noticed the ride attitude was almost perfect with the strut in it's current setting and a 1/2 bag of fuel .
It went 78.6 and 79.2 then hit 81.4 !!
My goal is 85 but I'll have to say I'm very happy with today's results

There's more in it and I'll be back out in the morning if it's nice out . Today's water was text book for SAW. I still have a #30 prop from Wally to try and it's a little more aggressive !!
Big thanks to Wally for the advise and a HUGE THANKS for the props !!
Wally's got the SAW WHEELS figured out !!
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Tahoe1970 replied the topic: My Dragcat and new test pond

Good to see you got the props ! based off your info provided those props will run in excess of 86+ @ 19000 if you can keep the boat right side up.

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BIGJACK9170 replied the topic: Re:My Dragcat and new test pond

I'd love to see 86mph
Wheels look amazing

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Tahoe1970 replied the topic: Re:My Dragcat and new test pond

Not too bad for a new boat and such little run time. Bet with a little more tweeking and a little longer run up , it will gain another 2-3mph easy.

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BIGJACK9170 replied the topic: Re:My Dragcat and new test pond

Going back out but to the same pond . That's not a bad thing it's just I need a little longer stretch . It really needs about another 100yrd to allow the motor to hits it's highest rpm . It takes a good 50-60yrds for the boat to settle down . It will come up on pipe in 10-15yrds but a Dragcat needs a little space to settle the ass end down .
If rain holds off I may go to the big pond Wally and I ran at back in 2012 witch is 3 times the size of the pond I run in now .

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BIGJACK9170 replied the topic: Re:My Dragcat and new test pond

Last few times out didn't come close to 80s
Swapped out the nimh battery for a 2300mah LiFe and I guess because my r603 rx lost power the epa on my throttle ch was only giving the carb 50-60% throttle so that certainly explains why I didn't get to the 70s much less 80s lol
Trying to back up the 81.4 from 3 weeks ago so that should do it . Also sent my best prop back to Wally for a little touch up.
He's also sending me a new wheel to try that I recommended I should try .
If I get those wheels back from Wally I'll be back out Friday morning at the pond Wally and I originally ran at as it's much bigger and I need the extra room when pulling the bigger wheels . Now if the wheel he's touching up hits a little quicker I can stay at the pond that close to home witch is my goal .
But I feel like if the boat is going to go 85 ill still need to go to the bigger pond because I need about 100yrds or so to feel comfortable letting it eat . I use a good bit of water lining it up at the small pond and wouldn't have to worry about that at the big pond .
Hope the props that are coming will help me get 85mph if not I'm still very happy with the boat , motor and props . I just want to back up the 81 a few more times before I call it a success.

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Tahoe1970 replied the topic: My Dragcat and new test pond

Any updates there Mister ?

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