More testing!

Ozpulse created the topic: More testing!

Have changed a couple of things on my Airboat so took it out for another test run, very windy so was a handfull to control but always fun! ;)

Awwwww! Your little engine is sooooo cute!

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Woodie replied the topic: Re: More testing!

Hi Ozzie.

I love the water, the waves and the wind. Right conditions for some overmotorized Kat Killer :laugh:

Your movie shows a fun run, but you did not manage to hit that seagull. He was just too fast for you! :laugh:
I think this is due to steering problems. Maybe you should put a couple of small fins on the bottom of the boat to get some more precise steering before going for the seagulls? :woohoo:

Cheers! :cheer:


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David McIntyre replied the topic: Re: More testing!

Geez Oz, those floods are worse that we were led to believe.
I couldn't even see the horizon!!!

Woodie, be careful, that airboat maybe faster than your Cigarette.

Oz seriously it goes well. Be careful about fins. They may tip it over
as it clearly wants to slide and gets quite sideways.

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Moofy07 replied the topic: Re: More testing!

I would not pick on Oz and his air boat remember those air boats blow a lot of wind. A lot of wind can blow out cigaretts. :laugh:

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Ozpulse replied the topic: Re: More testing!

You guys crack me up! :laugh:
Takes a bit of getting used to compared to our normal style boats, really is a crash course in drifting. B)
Actually went down to get a vid of the swampboat in the swamp which was behind us but the tide had already gone out too much.
This is where I usually run my offshore at high tide, you can walk straight out about 500 meters and its still only waiste deep at high tide.(easy recovery)
At low tide its all sandflats and shallow channels.
Its only about 3 blocks away from home. ;)
More worried about a fin popping up in front of the boat around here than having them on it! :woohoo:
Was more testing the new COG and rudder setup before I throw on the worked head and bigger carby.
Should be even faster soon! :blink:
And yes Airboats can go fast too, check this out!

Awwwww! Your little engine is sooooo cute!

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marc replied the topic: Re: More testing!

Very cool stuff! My first boat was a scratch built airboat with a little OS40 in it. Brings back memories! - Home of the WARPATH Riggers!


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Woodie replied the topic: Re: More testing!


That Hooty Rocket is one of the most impressive MGB's I ever have seen!
70,1 mph??? HOLY BANANA!!!
This will set the standard for what I want to acheive with my own Cigarette some day.
- 70,2 mph on mirror water - off course. :woohoo:

"Watch out! Old Woodie will come to ruin your day"!

Cheers! :cheer:


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Moofy07 replied the topic: Re: More testing!

Woodie mate, I have gotta give it to you. You have such a vivid imagination. :woohoo: :woohoo:

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Woodie replied the topic: Re: More testing!

Thanks Moof.

But I gotta tell ya. This is not about imagination. It's about a 13.4 hp Blata! :laugh:
No really: I expect at least 100 km/h or about 60 mph. Anything less will be a big dissapointment to me.
Also I expect the Kat Killer to manage some really rough waters - at lower speeds off course.


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Moofy07 replied the topic: Re: More testing!

Hi Woodie,
I would be really p'd if you could not get 100kph with that wee vee :laugh: . Just make sure the drive train is set up correctly, you want all that power to go to the right place.

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