Thanks Oz.
I will grip my retailer by the throat to get manual etc. before i give him the next order.
I am beginning to understand that you don't just have to be a natural born expert to join the boating hobby. You are really better off, if you are a natural born millionaire too!
Right now I am preparing orders for all the small hardware details inside the boat (not talking about sterndrives, servobox or servos). It's just about flexi-drives, bolts, oiling devices and other little things to make the inside machinery work.
The order(s) will be put to different european retailers, just to minimize the cost.
But still we are talking about an expence about 450 USD just for getting the inside mechanics working (!)
About the gasoline tank, I have found no solution so far. But my son (the marine engineer) will be sailing for the next weeks. I gave him a drawing of the perfect tank, and if he gets the possibility in the ships workshop, he will weld a high pressure tank in thin stainless steel to fit rigth into my Kat Killer.
(High pressure: No air inlet (most important: no risk of water intake either). This works by pumping extra pressure into a tank filled to about 2/3 or 3/4. In that way a 1,3 liter tank filled to about 1 liter, should be able to deliver about 3/4 liter gas before loosing pressure. This should be done by a simple bicycle valve on the tank and by using a simple bicycle pump on it. Maybe some kind of air pressure device could be used to send pressured air into the tank too).
This off course calls for a very strong tank, but if anyone has experience or comments to that sort of tank, be wellcome to help me out, please!
About the build (wooden part): Engine rails are truely the nasty part, (a pain in the @ss) but I expect to get them to fall into place in a day or two. (Pics will follow, when it's done).
Good luck to ya all with your own projects!
Cheers to ya all!