Maintenance specs can be found here on in the Ressources section under engines. Here is the link to the Zenoah Maintenance Specifications:
Seen a lot far looser than that and why i said anything less than .050 is fine IMO
2 stroke Engine Tech of 30+ years, Prop tweeker, Chronic tinkerholic, Home of Motor Heads RC Racing Engines ...
8 time NAMBA National 6 lap heat racing record holder.
the 26 zen crank is going into a set of QD 4 bearing cases to suit the zenoah jug.i hear a wisper of the crank could be a little tight in the QD cases on the end float.i realise zen recomend .020 but if i find say .010 is the number,should it be increased by pushing the webs a little closer together to get the .020,or are there other options to increase end float.i dont have the cases yet so i am jumping the gun a bit,but just getting ideas for now.mabey the crank will have correct float when installed and the wisper is only a wisper.