Just sharing my latest engine build ... RCMK 520 twin hybrid and now the Hull too .

Scott created the topic: Just sharing my latest engine build ... RCMK 520 twin hybrid and now the Hull to

Tonight I assembled my 520 with full race modified RZ Evo cylinders and fitted parts I plan on using in the twin rigger build.
Thought I would share .... pretty stoked, engine as set up in non typical and really pretty damm kewl IMO.

* S520 bottom end kit
* Rz evo cylinders & pistons (Modified)
* Billet manifolds & WT-771 carbs (Modified)
* Direct prime tubes off purge circuit
* Rcmk short bell stacks
* Zenoah EZ start

Now to get that boat built !!

2 stroke Engine Tech of 30+ years, Prop tweeker, Chronic tinkerholic, Home of Motor Heads RC Racing Engines ...
8 time NAMBA National 6 lap heat racing record holder.

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Ozpulse replied the topic: Re: Just sharing my latest engine build ... RCMK 520 twin hybrid

Damn thats a nice looking engine! B)
Wish I could afford shiney things like that!lol
Would look good in my hammerhead hydro when I finish it! ;)

Awwwww! Your little engine is sooooo cute!

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Woodie replied the topic: Re: Just sharing my latest engine build ... RCMK 520 twin hybrid

What a beauty, Scott!

But please tell me in plain words: What's the meaning of those red tubes pointing into the carbs? What is the effect of this? (Again in plain words) :)

Cheers! :cheer:


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Ozpulse replied the topic: Re: Just sharing my latest engine build ... RCMK 520 twin hybrid

They prime the engines with a squirt of fuel when you prime the carbs.

Awwwww! Your little engine is sooooo cute!

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Woodie replied the topic: Re: Just sharing my latest engine build ... RCMK 520 twin hybrid

In other words: It makes the engine start with a roar, when you pull the handle? That is if you don't choke the engine too much when starting?
Am I right?

(Could maybe use this concept on my Blata too)...

Cheers! :cheer:


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marc replied the topic: Re: Just sharing my latest engine build ... RCMK 520 twin hybrid

She's a beauty Scott. I like the primer tube idea...good place to get rid of the fuel spill when priming. I guess if you take it easy on the priming, using this method will allow the engines to be started up without choking. Similar to pumping the 813 pumper carbs. Nice! Plus it looks cool! :laugh:

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Canadian Hot Rod RC Boats replied the topic: Re: Just sharing my latest engine build ... RCMK 520 twin hybrid

Will this set up feed extra fuel at higher rpm too ...?

Zoom Zoom .....
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Tahoe1970 replied the topic: Re: Just sharing my latest engine build ... RCMK 520 twin hybrid


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Scott replied the topic: Re: Just sharing my latest engine build ... RCMK 520 twin hybrid

Those red tubes are just heated and bent Brake clean / WD-40 tubes.
If carbs are dry and first getting fuel up to carb you can rotate them out of carb throat very easily while you prime carbs using the pump bulb, discharge fuel into a rag. Once ready to start rotate tubes back into carb throat and give bulb a gentle push squirting a small spritz of fuel down throat of each carb .... wala !! instant prime with no choking required. ( If fuel system is still wet between starts just a bump on bulb is all thats required repriming/choking before restart )
Been using this idea on single cylinders for quite a few years with great success ... so very K.I.S.S.

2 stroke Engine Tech of 30+ years, Prop tweeker, Chronic tinkerholic, Home of Motor Heads RC Racing Engines ...
8 time NAMBA National 6 lap heat racing record holder.

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Woodie replied the topic: Re: Just sharing my latest engine build ... RCMK 520 twin hybrid

God grief!

I just found out that the carburetor on my Blata has no primer bubble at all!
Could I just spray a small amount of lighter gas in to the carb and then close the choker, to get it running by first or second pull? Or will that make the whole thing go KABOOM in my face?
(It actually works on my sloppy gardening machinery).

Cheers! :cheer:


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