About a year ago, I ran across a great used package deal I couldn't pass up. After working on the boat as a side project, I really want to return the mystery worked Zen 260 back to stock. What I do know is that the previous owner put a Lightened piston (It's dimpled like a golf ball and shaved), advanced the timing, added a thinner head gasket, and opened up the port on the intake. Well, I have concluded after running the hydro, the intentions were for higher rpm and unfortunatly he tweeked the torque right out of it coming out of turns. So I have a spare 257 carb and a fresh piston (Stock on the way). Will I have a negative effect adding the stock piston back with advanced timing or can I get the pop and compression back with frssh parts. The jug looks clean but the piston was scraped up with scratches.