Why Do We Race RC Boats

Steve Seebold created the topic: Why Do We Race RC Boats

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I race because I feel I have a "need for speed" and this hobby more than satisfies that need, and when I crash there is no blood or broken bones.

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Scott replied the topic: Re:Why Do We Race RC Boats

Good read Carlo sounding like it was written from the heart.
These message boards are at times heated to a point of finger pointing and surely behind the scenes some choice words :ohmy:

Friends we make and the perception one has left with all those we meet in person or on line defines to a point our intent within the hobby.
Some are just social animals that need buddies around them to feel like they belong, others are semi anti-social or just socially challenged watching and learning from a distance, while others are so self absorbed in winning they could care less what they do or act like so long as the end result is their success, lastly being those who understand what a hobby is and go out of there way to help others understand it too.
We ALL can relate to these personalty types ;)

Frankly I fall somewhere in the middle, Semi social, self absorbed to a point of being neurotic, yet willing to tell anyone or help anyone in what they wish to understand or learn about.
Love the racing because it supports my desire to do it better than the next guy, taking pride in learning the tricks and applying them.
Set up, props, engines, customs bits and pieces all done in house.

*Looking at our hobby from a perspective on how I was raised and introduced to it in the early 1970's, It was a learning curve of being hands on, make mistakes & try again.
Like a school of hard knocks or serious learning that you needed to pay attention in class.
I understand you do this as a BUSINESS selling your product & knowledge to those who would rather spend the coin than time and effort learning to do it them selfs ... thus are the times we live in.
It is no mystery You & I have had our fair share of open forum discussions threw the years, most quite positive, others not so much.
At the end of the day, why we race, go around in circles with toy boats trying to be adults but acting like children is ... well, our affliction that we all enjoy so very much !!

Kudos to your article :drinks:


2 stroke Engine Tech of 30+ years, Prop tweeker, Chronic tinkerholic, Home of Motor Heads RC Racing Engines ...
8 time NAMBA National 6 lap heat racing record holder.

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Bruce Soberg replied the topic: Re:Why Do We Race RC Boats

that is a good subject we all need to aks ourselves that question good job carlos :drinks:

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ottie44 replied the topic: Re:Why Do We Race RC Boats

If you have to explain it, then u will never truly understand!

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JUICR replied the topic: Re:Why Do We Race RC Boats

Nice article Carlo. I couldn't have said it any better. I love racin the boats but the friendships and all the BSn during and after the race is just as good, if not better. When it comes down to it we are just grown men racin for bowling trophys and it sure is a blast.:drinks:


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CC Racing Engines replied the topic: Re:Why Do We Race RC Boats

Thanks for all the kind words. With all the turmoil that has been going on lately on the chat boards I thought is was fitting. I have so much fun at the races that I just go crazy sometimes reading these boards knowing that when we are all in person none of that stuff goes on.

Thanks again I am glad you guys enjoyed reading it.


Ego Means Nothing
Talent Means Something
Heart Means Everything

Don't believe what you hear
Believe what you see.

Carlo Catalanotto
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Moofy07 replied the topic: Re:Why Do We Race RC Boats

:drinks: Hi,
You could not have put it any better. Cheers to you for this insight.
Just one thing about the great company one keeps, have you not noticed that you friends are ALWAYS in better company than yourself.
Think about it, it should make you smile.
Cya Graeme

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Ronald Olson replied the topic: Why Do We Race RC Boats

Misc Article...by Carlo Catalanotto A manufacturer/racer's perspective on RC boat racing...

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Ronald Olson replied the topic: RE: Why Do We Race RC Boats

All of us have our reasons as to why we chose RC boats over so many other things out there to do.
I'm not a Jock and really don't care much for ball sports. If it's got an engine and races, I'll watch.
I tried RC planes but only got good at the crashing part yet loved to build them. Next came the 4-wheelers, cars, trucks and buggies in both on- and off-road. That was fun for only so long as the price of keeping 4 of them going (me racing 2 plus the wife and son) ran me $50-200.00 a week and got to be the same old, same old every week; buy the latest, greatest got to have hot setup of the week then pour more money into it. Six months later it's outdated so you go through the same ritual again. My wife got tired of all of the kids whose rich mommies and daddies dropped them off at the LHS/track as a surrogate babysitter while they did who knows what.
I found the RC boaters to be mainly a crowd of people more my age plus a lot of fun. I like the more like a family reunion/picnic-like atmosphere with playing with boats rather than a game of softball.

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