I ran the Honda Cracker a week ago and for the first time ever blew it off the water. I thought it was a fluke, so I did it several times, made adjustments and still did it. I'd say that's running well enough. New engine development and props have gained some speed.
I think Scotts comment is also a little over the top. The guy behind the development is still working on all kinds of projects including the 4 strokes. There's no sense in sharing technology and data on something that is no where near mainstream. No one likes to be criticized for trying new things, that's why it continues below the radar. There are actually a lot of Hondas in RC boats. I get questions all the time and pics sent to me from all over the world sharing thier 4 stroke projects.
If we could rewind a few years, before a particular org vote that happened, you would have seen a lot of Hondas and other poppers at the race ponds, but a organized push to change the rules eliminated this possibility. This sealed the fate of four strokes in any racing situation for now.
fwiw, there are no modified parts and pieces that are required available that I can help with, although I have lots of stock parts that I've thrown in the trash