Sprint cat copies

wac created the topic: Sprint cat copies

Are the sprint cats that you can buy on Ebay a copy of the Stryker sprint cats or are they there own design. I think the boats are built in China . Does anybody run these boats and are they any good . Give me some pointers .Thanks .

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marc w replied the topic: Re: Sprint cat copies

Probably just about anything will work up to 45mph.... above that, if you want handling, cornering and speed, you better stick to the reknowned brands. Most of the times, buying cheap means you pay twice. One time buying and trying to sell it, second time because you will ultimately will want the real deal.

However there is one cat that has a slightly taller more curvy type cowl, that works quite well. Seen it running at the Gasnats last year and i was impressed. It was owned and setup by Bob Finn. He knows what he was doing.
This was the cat, named Falcon;

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