New to rc boating - advice

shneier123 created the topic: New to rc boating - advice

Hi. Im new to this site
I just wanted to know if anyone has ever tried the huasheng 26cc engine in their boat
It comes with a clutch and water cooled head
Its selling for $85
I wanted to put it in a easy vee from zippkits,
Also, are there any tricks or advice for building one of these boats and/or putting a weedeater engine in it

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gabe3366 replied the topic: Re:New to rc boating - advice

The stock rev-unlimited motor from gizmo motors would be a better choice. I think it's still on sale for $90.

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ridgerunner replied the topic: Re:New to rc boating - advice

Here's a deal if you could get him to ship or if you live in NY or within driving distance.

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