Marc, hopefully I straightened him out on that as I just posted on that thread.
OK, here's where things can get sticky as here's what the site rules state about what you did post so don't be surprised if the thread gets removed and you get a note from Matt about it, second paragraph:
Our policy on linking to other websites is pretty simple. Members may link to any other site that provides information that helps answer another member's question or is just of specific interest to members of that particular forum. One of the most basic tenets of the Web is the open exchange of information, and the RCU forum managers wholeheartedly support this type of exchange. Members may NOT link to sites which require registration or membership to view the content, including offsite chat room discussions.
The only other type of linking (besides porn and spam as mentioned previously above in our rules, of course) that will not be allowed on our site is when members solicit people to leave our site to a competing service. That's just common sense. We won't allow people to use our site to promote a competing service any more than a brick-and-mortar store would allow his competitor to paste flyer's all over his walls. However, people are always welcome to link to any non competing online resource in order to share useful information with fellow members.
In the meantime I'm not saying anything as since I left the boating forums Mod position there, they're a little slow at keeping up with things and I'm tired of helping them out.