A rudder's leading edge should be perpendicular to the water line at the maximum speed of the hull. The faster the hull travels the more sensitive this becomes. If the leading edge is angled backwards, it will raise the tail when the rudder is turned to the right or left & vice-versa. The effect can be very pronounced as the hull speed & the angle increase. The location of the leading edge in relation to the pivot point should also be considered. If the leading edge is to far in front of the rudder's pivot point, the rudder will be more sensitive & vice- versa. I build assemblies that keep the leading edge centered on the rudder blade's pivot point. Taper on the back edge of the rudder reduces these effects & reduces the rudder's total drag amount.
The total thickness of the wedge & the depth of the wedge will effect the amount of lift generated at any given speed. A thinner wedge on blades that have the same total area in the water will have less lift than the same thicker wedge blade & less drag.
Jim Allen
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