engine keeps stalling

mudunda created the topic: engine keeps stalling

i have a brand new boat with a 26cc gas motor it starts runs in the water for a couple of minutes then stalls..ajusted the carb screw abit seems to help a bit but seems to rev abit high it drives it self slightly even though its got a clutch??can someone please help me!!

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Macca38 replied the topic: Re: engine keeps stalling


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WAKEMAKER replied the topic: Re: engine keeps stalling

CHeck out the carb mod posted on this forum. That might be the problem?

Do Something, do anything..but just don't do nothing...

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marc replied the topic: Re: engine keeps stalling

1 on high, 2 on low is good for 257 and 488 carbs for example, but not so good on 167, 644 etc... please let us know what carburetor model you have and we can help with suggestions. Also what motor and pipe?
If you don't know, post some good quality pictures of motor and carb where markings can be seen.

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mudunda replied the topic: Re: engine keeps stalling

thanks for your response mate..these are theonly pics i got dont know what type of motor or carb it is the're a cheap chinese one but my mate bought the same boat and he has no probs


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marc replied the topic: Re: engine keeps stalling

I'll be honest, I have no idea what that carburetor is...if you have a buddy who has one running, you're lucky, so just check his carb settings and set yours exactly the same. Following this, check all gas lines for leaks or pinholes, and make sure you have a good vent in the tank that is not blocked. Check engine base, seals and carb block for signs of leakage. Go by process of elimination. Make sure it isn't your radio shutting down the boat also.

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mudunda replied the topic: Re: engine keeps stalling

thannks marc..in 2 worlds at the moment dont know if i should spend money on this boat ie.fix problem and mod motor cause it only does about 30-40 kph wich is slow or spend around $1500 and get a decent RTR boat. would like to get a nice cat with a zen motor..any suggestions?

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Krolleg replied the topic: Re: engine keeps stalling

My dad owns a hobby shop here in sweden, and this summer I drive a boat like that. The engine would not run good. I have set up meny RC engines in my life but this one was lost. Talked to the swedish distrubiter for dragon hobby boats and he send us a new engine, that worked good.

So talk to your lokal dealer and get a new engine. Im 99% sure that it is a factory failure. At least he could give you a new carb.

But that boat does not have top speed :(
If you want to run fast just get a zenoah and replace the engine. The rest of the boat is OK.
Or if you got the $ and want a RTR boat I can recomend the pro boat shockwave 55, realy fast boat out of the box.

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marc replied the topic: Re: engine keeps stalling

If you are going to shop for RTRs I would suggest Warehouse Hobbies for awesome quality/price ratio...you can get a decent boat for $1000-$1200 with a Zenoah. If you are willing to go a bit more, you could contact Carlo at CC Racing Engines or Jeff at Insane Boats and see what they could do for you. They will run about $2000, but if you ask without radio it will bring the price down a bit. Warehouse Hobbies will deliver a good sport performance boat out of the box...speeds anywhere from 45-50 mph. Insane or CC will deliver Ready to Race...speeds a bit higher, but racing setups. Warehouse don't have cats, that I know of though.

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Redlinemotors replied the topic: Re: engine keeps stalling

If carb needles are set correctly, make sure the screen in carb is clean.


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