More Speed

Dean52 created the topic: More Speed

:D Looking for imput as to how to put together a 60 mph gas boat. Looking for those who are there or close to it. Have been out of the sport for a few years, my son grew up. We ran a Areomarine 57" with a BH Hanson Indy Pro, looking for more speed, either with this boat or a recommendation. Would love to hear combinations that are working, boats and motors. Have been in boating for 35 years, outboards to blown gas hydro's to twin big block Wellcrafts but nothing is as much fun as beating big boats with R/C's. Most do not understand the detail and technical expertise required to get one to go straight and fast.

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Riggerman replied the topic: Re: More Speed

If you ask me. The easiest way past 60 is with a rigger. I fell in love the first time I ran one that I scratch built. ;D

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lohring replied the topic: Re: More Speed

I have seen riggers, cats, sport hydros, and monos that run over 60. Most all heat race boats these days run in the high 50s or low 60s. Pick your favorite hull, add an engine from a known engine builder for the G1 class or a Quickdraw or M&D cast cylinder engine for the GX1 class, and get a prop from Bob Austin. A list of the equipment the NAMBA Nationals winners run is at It's a good place to start.

Lohring Miller

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seaboyblue replied the topic: Re: More Speed

Hello Dean 52 and welcome aboard. I have an Aeromarine Sprintcat with a modified zenoah. I get well in the 60's with this combination. I have heard people talking about a stock zenoah 260 in this hull will do in the 50 MPH range with the correct setup and prop. The smaller Aeromarine hulls are easy to push and handle well when setup right. All of the hulls that come from Aeromarine come with a fully detailed setup sheet on how to build the boat. If you want speeds in the 60's, stick with the midsized hulls like 40 - 45 inches and you should be okay with a modified 260. To achieve high speeds, you need a good setup, prop, and motor. Happy boating.


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Scott replied the topic: Re: More Speed

JMHO :-\

With a modified Zenoah 260 for power ...

Getting a MONO to 60 is doable, but a most are NOT able to race at that speed :-\

CATS can get there too a tad easier than a mono, but again, cats racing at 60 + require the RIGHT set up, Prop and some luck racing at 60 +

** SPORT hydros on the other hand run quite comfortably at 60 + and are fairly easy to get on the edge of 70 with a good set up ;D

RIGGERS will run like the sport boats do and run without breaking a sweat at 60 using 3/4 throttle, while running into the 70 range with the right set up.

::) In recent years running both Sports and Riggers into the 70's with modified Zenoahs 260's, I can honestly say the SPORT hulls are more fun and really will run right with the best riggers out there !! ..... flight tho is a sport boats weak spot at extreme speeds :P


2 stroke Engine Tech of 30+ years, Prop tweeker, Chronic tinkerholic, Home of Motor Heads RC Racing Engines ...
8 time NAMBA National 6 lap heat racing record holder.

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WAKEMAKER replied the topic: Re: More Speed

Hi Anthoni

What PROP did you use with your AM cat to get in the 60's

Do Something, do anything..but just don't do nothing...

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Ed Sidders replied the topic: Re: More Speed

I've been told the Classic Thunderboats are sometimes near 70 with Stock Zen 260. Depends on set-up,I'm gonna find out soon.

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