Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

WAKEMAKER replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

Hi Hurricain

I know what you mean and I see it here with certain hobby stores as well. It seems that many store owners don't what to be involved with the customers at the dam, track or airfield.

I hope that I can consider my self as young, vibey and enthusiastic to try and passionately encourage people to get involved.
Will keep you posted.



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wac replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

Take some well earned money buy your self a lathe and a miling machine and build all your own parts . I have built every part on my boat . The only parts baught are the radio gear , motor and hull . The stuff I build is all my own design and not a copy of anything . The pipe was a long process but we finnaly got it right . The problem with hobby shops are that what they sell is the best . Nothing else is good even the boats winning the races . The other huge problem about hobby shops are that they treat you like complete idiots even if you have been in boating for 20 years . I have not dealt personaly with hobby shops over seas , only over the net . I am talking about the local shops .

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WAKEMAKER replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

Parts made by wac...vs parts made by Octura, Aeromarine, Marine Spec., Warehouse Hobbies.....

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wac replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

Not one of the boats in the club are running wareouse hobbies drive units . A couple are running home made stuff wich seems to be working better than the shop stuff . Makes you think about what vs what .

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wac replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

As I said what the shops sell is the best ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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marc replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

There is nothing wrong with making your own hardware, I do some of my own stuff also....BUT there is also nothing wrong with most commercially available hardware either. You just have to educate yourself before you buy. I have had WHH products and I can honestly say they are of very good quality, and well suited to their applications. Can't really beat the price either... so please, no bashing...keep it respectful. :)

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wac replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

I am not bashing any body and apologise if it seemed so . I have been building my own hardware for some time now because of the reason that we could get nothing here in South Africa and the the only place to get hardware was over the internet . I have always admired the WHH hardware .

With the price of The Dollar It works out alot Cheaper to build my Own . Another thing is all the Hardware coming from some places has a very poor Quality .


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marc replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

Satisfaction of knowing you did it yourself is another plus also. :) I like to do my own also when I have the time.

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Fielies replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

What upsets me about this is that when you as a boater with 20 years + experience talks to WAVERUNNER who has been in boating for +/- a couple off months, he tries to tell you witch boat hull/motor is the best( the one he sells, witch is a splash off the Stryker, Torbo Cat) and with his years of experience in boating +/- a couple off months, selling hardware off witch some is beiing made locally, obviously copied . Now we as OLD!!!!!!! BOATERS with years off exsperience are being blamed for not supporting the local Hobby shop. If i was new to the sport , boating flying cars etc, i would approach the local club and find out what works and what does not. Dont sell stuff to newbies witch DOES NOT WORK and then later they have to buy the right stuff. We as boaters appreciate the fact that a local Hobbyshop has made the effort to commit to model boating.That said,rather work with the older boaters . I think more good would come from it.

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WAKEMAKER replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

Hi wac

How can we get our boats to do 60MPH+(96kph) like in the US...the fastest I've seen here is 114kph in a hydro. But in the US they do it with cats...

Can a boat even do a circuit at that sort of speed anyway, or is it just straight line?

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