Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

RJSTRIPER created the topic: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

Tony C. is the man in this sport hes been doing this for 20 yrs sum of u say hes not competitive any more Bull I had him build me a motor a cple wks ago just broke it in yesterday in a 55 in cat hull big boat.Tach read 17,870 an gps loacked max speed at 69.7 an it was havin a fuel prob at top end but fixed now will be in 70,s range next time out.He is also coming out with alot of new stuff for us and he is one of the most careing guys to deal with. doesnt care if ur a big racer which im not yet but he takes care of his clientale all around Tony C is the Man.

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marc replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

That's awesome Ron! Tony has been in gas boats from the start and his experience shows. Since most of their products cater to sport boaters, he's often forgotten when people think of fast race boats...but the fact is he helped make this part of the hobby what it is today. Personally, I would love to see a true race ready lineup of boats from WHH :) They are certainly capable of doing it! I have had my first RTR boat from WHH this year and was really impressed by the overall package.

Be sure to take some video and pictures of your next runs with that cat! I am sure a lot of readers including myself would love to see!


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Hurricain replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

Tony an Pam and the whole WHH Team are outstanding and the Product/Package they put together is out of this world I got the Magnum 57 Kit and the thing went right together with No problems and was fun to build for someone that wants a RTR and go to the lake and have fun I don't think there is anyone that can beat them at what you get for the Price.
well that my two cents.

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Radamus replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

I've not owned one yet but I've worked on a few WHH boats and they were good stuff and dealing with them was great. Many a first time gasser has been started on a product from Tony. And he has been around since the beginning!!!! He was the beginning!

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RGS Supplies Ltd replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

Hi Guys, I'm new into this forum, Gordon my friend just sent me this site and i have to say something about WHH, Tony and Pam.

Firstly I want to thanks Tony.C personaly for all the help he gives me with all the stuff i as him, and all the parts ect.ect, secondly i also wanna thank Pam as well, she also helps with the orders and other related stuff.

Will be trying one of Tony's engines very soon to Tony's spects so should think this week coming it's gonna be here., I have all WHH Boat collection and i tell you they are very good.

WHH keep up the good work and service


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marc replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.


Welcome to MGB! Awesome lineup of boats you have there! I am glad to see people chiming in about their good experiences with WHH. They truly are a pillar in the hobby. Spread the word, tell your friends. Hope to see more new members here on MGB!

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WAKEMAKER replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

:) Here in RSA we are new to boating and we have just signed up with Tony at WHH as the SA agent. Never met such a helpful guy before even with our small orders.

Being in the Hobby Trade it can be terrible since you are always in the line of fire from customers. Once piece of misplaced advice and suddenly the local hobby store does'nt know what they are talking about.

I say support your local hobby store as that is where all the new comers come from to grow boating.

Do Something, do anything..but just don't do nothing...

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Hurricain replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

It is hard to support the local hobby shops here as they don't have anything I need anymore they have a few odds and ends like fuel line, servo leads, nitro, but I don't burn nitro much anymore :P so need less to say I don't go there much anymore. They don't carry any large scale stuff at all maybe a little for air planes but that's all and if you need technical help that would be a joke I am afraid. So most of my support goes to online hobby shops like Warehouse Hobbies. ;D

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WAKEMAKER replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

I do see your point. WHy are some local stores not involved and do not stock certain products? I suppose the owner will have certian interests that he/she focusses on.

I find that internet sites are used mainly by modelers that have some experience. The local stores normally carries more foot traffic to introduce new comers; growth normally comes from new comers, people also fall out of the hobby all together.

As soon as the new comer gets told by the locals that the "best" is on the internet, then like you say, he starts to shop on the internet and the local store where he started loses out.

At some point I guess the local store starts to think that it is no longer worth stocking items, as he gets stuck with the situation of losing customers to the internet?

It would be interesting to get an opinion of your local store owner to see "why" they don't stock the parts you want.

We are starting to stock parts in our store now, some bought from WHH. I hope that we get our guys here to buy more from us than from the internet.

Admittitly, if we don't get the support from the locals and the stock does not move I suppose that good business would dictate that I invest in other stock?

Do Something, do anything..but just don't do nothing...

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Hurricain replied the topic: Re: Warehouse Hobbies Tony C.

I would think with the internet the way it is now days a hobby shops would want to do both sale online as well as walk in sales. the hobby shops here are great for people just getting into R/C's because they stock all your lower end RTR stuff whether it be boats, cars/trucks, planes and they stock a lot of the parts for them too, but there is a lot of us people like my self that have stepped up a notch to a little more higher end large scale stuff and now the hobby shop is out of it. I would think if a guy came in and bought say a traxx RTR boat and while he was doing so looked over and saw a nice new shiny and fast 5' gas boat on display just enough to make him drool and a good sales person to tell him the difference in the boats is like night and day I would be willing to bet he would be back in a week are two to check in to buying it or if he is a real modeler the parts to build his own. But as it is I don't even think these people know there is even such a thing as higher levels and with that comes quality, reliability, performance, and the FUN that comes with not having to work on it every 5 minutes LOL!! so I think it is a lot of the hobby shops that are not promoting the hobby they just take you so far and that's it so in turn they lose all there old time customers and a lot of the new ones because the hobby shop is not telling them about bigger and better. The guys here for me are so unwilling to help you out once they find out what you want or what you are working on and they act like it is so far out of there league or something and it is not it's just bigger!! lol!!

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