low cost 25cc engine

poorways created the topic: low cost 25cc engine

Has anyone had any experience with the low cost (99.75) engine that marine specialties sells? It has a canister muffler,
straight pull throttle linkage, ect., and is air cooled. This would be for a first time sport boat. Thanks for any info. poorways. :)

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Roxyflash replied the topic: Re: low cost 25cc engine

You would be better off if you could go with the 200 dollar zenoah.I know its twice the price but in the long run you will be happier.

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marc replied the topic: Re: low cost 25cc engine

I hate to say something that might take away a sale from someone, but I have to agree. The Zenoah at @ $200 is a much better investment. So much easier to find support accessories, ex: mounts, pipes, etc, etc... plus it allows you to easily upgrade as you go. I have been down both roads...trust us who have been there! :) If it's the $100 that will dictate if you build a boat or not, well by all means get the $100 motor, but if you can scape up the extra $100 you will be much happier in the end. :) BTW a stock Zenoah with a simple canister exhaust system will outperform your average "weeder" with a pipe!

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trimdout replied the topic: Re: low cost 25cc engine

For first time boater you can get a very reliable g260rc air cooled or cy 260 not having to worry about over heating at onealls. i have one in a enforcer gator with a clutch its safer then direct drive for the novice that i let my family use . Instead of loosing my prize cat to a bank grounding ;)

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poorways replied the topic: Re: low cost 25cc engine

Thanks for the imformation, thats what I needed to know. At $100 I am half way to a Zenoh. Maybe
santa claus will help ( I've been good). Thanks again for the replies, something tells me I'll have more questions
before this is over. poorways

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Bob DeCortin replied the topic: Re: low cost 25cc engine

I didn't think that the Marine Specialties McCulloch was still availalble. they haven't updated the website in ages.
When looking at zens keep in mind you have to add mounts, drive adapter and exhaust, even with a can muffler whitch is alot cheaper than an expansion chamber, you still need to add about $100 to the purchase price of the zen, 260s are running about $225 shipped.

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WAKEMAKER replied the topic: Re: low cost 25cc engine

::)Have you looked at the SIKK 26cc. This is a less travelled road, but more powerfull? A 3rd option at least....

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gibbscamuser replied the topic: Re: low cost 25cc engine

You get what you pay for.

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WAKEMAKER replied the topic: Re: low cost 25cc engine

$99 low cost engine
$200 Zenoah
$270 SIKK......

My choice is the Sikk...I agree you get what you pay for.

Do Something, do anything..but just don't do nothing...

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