Scott replied the topic: Re: Aerodynamics/hydrodynamics
Here in NAMBA land, Any surface in contact with the water in terms of "FIRST CONTACT" defines a mono.
What a few have gotten away with to stabilize their monos is a Flat plate that is ABOVE ride surfaces of the actual hull, yet to retain being a legal MONO, indexs water above hulls "Primary" planing surface.
Like a CAVITATION plate of an outboard, Some fast MONO users have attached a plate that is fixed above and behind prop so they can use the roostertail as a secondary riding surface.
The water that go's skyward off the prop in defected off a plate mounted above and behind prop. The pressure put upon this plate act's as another ride surface giving increased down force to the hull while at full speed. Somewhat like trimtabs but using the waste water off the props rooster tail and therefor causing ZERO drag while giving increased down force ;D
The boats using them run FASTER ... FLATTER and under greater attitude control than those without.
2 stroke Engine Tech of 30+ years, Prop tweeker, Chronic tinkerholic, Home of Motor Heads RC Racing Engines ...
8 time NAMBA National 6 lap heat racing record holder.
17 years 7 months ago