RC Boating Kuwaiti Style - Part 3

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jimboq8 replied the topic: Re:RC Boating Kuwaiti Style - Part 3

Good story Carlo, cant wait to meet up with you again on your home turf.

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CC Racing Engines replied the topic: Re:RC Boating Kuwaiti Style - Part 3

I am glad you guys liked the story. I can't wait to see you guys here at the races.


Ego Means Nothing
Talent Means Something
Heart Means Everything

Don't believe what you hear
Believe what you see.

Carlo Catalanotto
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Propworks West replied the topic: Re:RC Boating Kuwaiti Style - Part 3

Hey Carlo
Im so glad that you took the time to write the days events even though we were both so tired at the end of the day.
Reading your story allows me to enjoy our trip to Kuwait over and over again.
And thankyou to Louay, Khaled and James for taking such great care of us.
My trip to your country just keeps getting better and better the more I think about all the fun I had.
Thankyou guys.

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jimboq8 replied the topic: Re:RC Boating Kuwaiti Style - Part 3

Guys you made the trip memorable, thanks to loauy for getting you to come, and Brent I am sure that everytime you look at that EGG on your mantel piece that you will remember us.....lol woohoooo.

Take care guys, as I said cant wait to get out there and meet up on your home turf.

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