Our review of the Black Magic propeller balancer from Voodoo Props...
Whether you like to prepare your own propellers or simply want to check the
balance of some you have purchased, this balancer will help you get the job
done easily and accurately.
The new Black Magic propeller balancer from Voodoo Props is a simple yet
effective tool that can and will come in handy for all model boaters. It is
constructed of billet aluminum side plates and ground-hardened steel rods that
serve as cross-frames. The side plates are available in natural aluminum or
black anodized finish. The one we received is the black anodized version and it
looks great!
The balancer measures approximately 5 1/2" deep x 4 1/8" wide and 4
1/4" high. The prop shaft is held up by two 1/2" diameter rare earth
magnets. It touches one magnet while is floats in mid-air about 1/16" from
the second magnet.
The balancers come with a 1/4" spindle which is perfect for most gas boat propellers, but 3/16" and 1/8" spindles will also be made available. This makes the Black Magic balancer perfect for just about any model boat propellers available on the market today. Check with Voodoo Props if you require these spindles.
The balancers are being offered "un-assembled" for customers outside of the United States in order to reduce shipping costs. We received ours un-assembled with assembly instructions. It only took a couple minutes to read the instructions and have the balancer assembled and ready for use. If you have a vise that will open up to about 4 1/2" you will have no problems assembling your own Black Magic balancer. For residents of the USA the balancers are shipped pre-assembled.
To find out more about preparing and balancing boat propellers you can browse
through the "Resources" section of this site. You may also want to
read this
very informative article from Gregg Kiehle of Voodoo Props.
Pricing Information:
Natural Aluminum Finish: $50.00 USD plus shipping
Black Anodized Finish: $55.00 USD plus shipping
*Prices subject to change. Please confirm pricing and shipping with Voodoo
Happy boating!
Contact Information:
Voodoo Props LLC
Gregg Kiehle
Tel: 586-707-4734
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.voodooprops.com