People have been arguing for decades about whether geometric or trapped (the compression after the exhaust port closes) compression ratio is correct. Who cares? The minimum head volume you can run without detonation on the fuel you are using will make the most power. I personally like to start with the geometric compression ratio because it doesn't change and confuse me when I play with different exhaust timing. The Japanese like trapped compression ratios. Two strokes are very complicated, mechanically simple engines. You can read about what I know in the three part series High Power Two Stroke Design starting in the
November 2012 NAMBA Propwash
. Most of the ideas in the series come from people who have a lot more two stroke experience than I do. I tried to show the past ideas and the developments that lead to the present, simple engines as well as possible future developments. The engines we run are a long way behind the best designs for high power.
Lohring Miller
PS Jim, thanks for crediting me with the surface plug idea. However, ideas are cheap and you did the work it took to make a working plug.