Need help to make auto-bailers !

marc replied the topic: Re:Need help to make auto-bailers !

That will work! - Home of the WARPATH Riggers!


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Wennie replied the topic: Re:Need help to make auto-bailers !

Hi Marc, Thanks for your comments on my boat and you're almost right, it is a 'Stryker' or to be more exact, a Chinese copy of the Stryker. The CG is at 13,5 inches from the transom which on total length of 41 inches, is just under 33%. ( I've seen some cat CG's on the forums of up to 36% ! ) But maybe I'm not getting full power from my engine yet, it's a brand new CC-Racing Pro-Mod with a 105 degree 7/8" header and a zero-band pipe with distance from the outer face of the watercooling flange up to the widest point of the pipe ( along the center of the pipe), at 12 and a half inches. I would welcome your comments / recommendations on what I could do to improve the situation. At best I'm running upper 50's. The high-end needle is at one turn and the low-end at two and a half.
I look forward to your comments.
( P.S. Thank you to Zitch for the drawing of the auto-bailer.)

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marc replied the topic: Re:Need help to make auto-bailers !

What altitude are you at there and what kind of typical relative humidity levels?

Check the bottom of the hull to make sure pads are all touching on a flat table. You can bar sand the bottom to straighten it if it's not too bad.

What prop? I am not sure what's the best for that boat, but some guys will surely chime in. Also what strut depth and angle? - Home of the WARPATH Riggers!


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Wennie replied the topic: Re:Need help to make auto-bailers !

Hi Marc,
We're at sea level, our pond is +/- 500 feet above. We have Winter railfall and we've had a lot of late hot wet weather in recent weeks so it's been pretty humid. I've been using a loaned '6717' three-blader and the center of propshaft is 10mm above bottom of sponsons. The prop angle is +/- 3 degrees positive to help lighten the front of the boat. The boat ( without fuel ), weighs 6.2 KG (Just over 13 and a half pounds ).
Maybe this boat requires a CG closer to the transom than 33% !!

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marc replied the topic: Re:Need help to make auto-bailers !

First I think 2.5 on the low setting is a it rich and it should be closer to 2 or 2.25. For the high 1 is about right, but you can fine tune it maybe also. If the air is very humid, this humidity takes the place of air in the mixture so you have to lean the gas also to get the proper mix. Running the pipe a bit longer will most likely help also..try 12 3/4" from flange to center weld following centerline of header and pipe. Work down from that point.

I think if you are running 3degrees on the strut to take up the nose, you should consider trying a prop with less lift or bring the CG back some (play with CG only if everything else fails). Try to keep the strut from 0-1 degrees. On my Conquest with a 6717/3 the strut is at 5/8", so don't be afraid to try raising it to 12-14mm and see what it does. - Home of the WARPATH Riggers!


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Wennie replied the topic: Re:Need help to make auto-bailers !

Thank you for all your valued advice and settings. A few of us are going to the pond tomorrow morning to test and I will try some of what you've told me. It's almost 11:00 in the evening here so I'm off to bed !
Till later !

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Docsl replied the topic: Re:Need help to make auto-bailers !

Hi Marc, tis is steven, about your boats for sale, how iszit?
btw, can you help me with the following problem?
i have a Vee hull fitted with a OPS .90 engine, running on 3/16 flex cable. running and handling are awesome, unfortunately after 3laps of running, half the hull were filled with water. :(
of cos installing a auto bailer is the best solution, but my boat was built with 3 compartments, one is for the electronics, next is for the fuel tank and the one with the water problem is the engine compartment where the flex cable exit. i have checked all water in/outlet for the cooling system, no problem at all, i strongly feel that the water was swirl in thru the stuffing tube when the flex cable rotated. any remedy? :)
i was looking at the Bernoulli Water Bailer system, i know this act of suction, but i dunt understand is why the openning on the bottom of the hull (water should be gushing out from here, but why iszit connected to a tubing that run thru the wall of the transom( see pic 3 on the Bernoulli Water Bailer article)

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marc replied the topic: Re:Need help to make auto-bailers !


I do not understand your question about my boats for sale?

As for the Bernoulli water pickup, I posted an explanation on your other post, hope it help clear things up. This kind of pickup should help drain water from that compartment if you can't find the source of it coming in. - Home of the WARPATH Riggers!


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