New Sport Hydro??

Michael Johnson created the topic: New Sport Hydro??

Thinking of purchasing a new sport hydro in the coming weeks and I am not too sure which way I will go yet (too many choices). I have heard great reports and or seen Insane, Whiplash, PI (if you can get them), Aeromarine Thunderbolt, but I haven't heard too much of, or seen the Stryker II in action.

What are your thoughts on these?? How well do they run??

Has anyone got any pics or video they would care to share.

I'm not 100% sure which way I will go yet, but I will say that the more I think about it, the more my head hurts


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lohring replied the topic: Re: New Sport Hydro??

the past few years the Insane, Stryker II, and Seducer sport hydros have been hard to beat. The Whiplash took a lot of lead to get running right at the 2004 NAMBA Nationals, but was record breaking fast. Once again, the equipment the top finishers are running can be found at

Lohring Miller

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Radamus replied the topic: Re: New Sport Hydro??

Welcome aboard!

There are a lot of good well build hydros available out there, you named a few, also the Seaducer is a good choice. Blazer Marine is coming out with a glass Whiplash by spring is what I've most recently read.
That pretty much covers the offerings with your list!

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Michael Johnson replied the topic: Re: New Sport Hydro??

Thanks guys, appreciate the input.

I do have Whiplash plans, the older version (2004), just never got the motivation to build it. I love the look of it and will definately build one of these days, but until then I think I will stick to the glass hulls.

Will think about it all for a few more days before making a "hard" decision.

Thanks again

Western Australia

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Radamus replied the topic: Re: New Sport Hydro??

I don't remember seeing that many Sport Hydro pics from the Aussie guys, are they kind of scarce over there?

I remember I always wanted to get into the Hydros but choked on the prices everyone wanted for the glass ones so when the Whiplash came along I was hooked! I will never buy a glass hydro most likely but then again, I had so much fun building them I was hooked even more. Whips are lightening fast but they have thier achilles heels like all of them do. It takes epoxy and repairs to keep them going, cause you will rip sponsons off.
If I had to pick a glass one, it would be Seaducer first choice or the PI with solid nose *don't know what version that is*

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marc replied the topic: Re: New Sport Hydro??

The Gen2 P.I. has the solid nose...Stephane has been racing his since 2004. Good running boat...then again he has a great builder and pit man! ha ha! - Home of the WARPATH Riggers!


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Michael Johnson replied the topic: Re: New Sport Hydro??

There are quite alot of Sport hydros here in Australia. Unfortunately most are over on the East Coast where all the racing is. I now make the journey across the country once a year to get my racing fix as there isn;t any here in Western Australia.

There are a few Seaducers, alot of Insanes, a few original Strykers, two Whiplashes (that I know of) on the East Coast. Over here in the Western Australia, there are two insane Gen 2's and my roundnose (one of those Insane is lucky to see water 6 times a year :'( ).

I got some great action pics of the Roundnose I layed up, she's great fun, but I would like something different.

Don't get me wrong, I do love building with wood, I have built a few Firefighter Gas riggers (bout 6 now) and love the builds, never get sick of them, but I don't think I have the patience for a Whiplash at this time. That and I'm a little too hard on my toys but I'm working on that.

It would be nice to get a PI out here in Australia, something different, that's what I'm into


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Scott replied the topic: Re: New Sport Hydro??


What ever glass hull you choose ? ... You will have a Blast running a sport hull !!

As too the BLAZER Whiplash, In the hands of someone who knows the art of fine tuning a set up .... IMO they are absolutely the fastest best handling hull racing today !!

** I would tho suggest if you do choose to build one, get a new kit because MANY upgrades have been done to the hull that improve it greatly over the earlier versions.


2 stroke Engine Tech of 30+ years, Prop tweeker, Chronic tinkerholic, Home of Motor Heads RC Racing Engines ...
8 time NAMBA National 6 lap heat racing record holder.

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JUICR replied the topic: Re: New Sport Hydro??

Ditto what Scott said. The Whips are fast and great handling boats. The glass version won the trophy dash at the IMPBA Gas Nats in Celina Ohio. The Whip also holds the IMPBA 1/3 mile oval record. How do I know this? I was driving it at both events. ;)


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gibbscamuser replied the topic: Re: New Sport Hydro??

Stick around a while. There is a new boat coming from R/C Boatworks. And I got a look at Insane's Classic Thunderboat this morning.


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